Cottonwood promotes independence and freedom in learners of all ages. In order to set little ones up to be successful in a free and independent environment, there are certain things they must be able to do before enrolling to attend Cottonwood.
Can your young person?
Carry and take off backpack, coat, and shoes
Keep personal items in their bin
Stay safely with a group inside the space, outside of the space, and in transitions
Respond to voice prompts (“Walking feet” or “Inside voices”)
Use toilet and wash hands independently (see toileting requirements here)
Listen to a children’s book read aloud and remain engaged until its conclusion
Keep small objects out of mouth
Return objects and materials to the original location when finished using them
Support Resources:
Read anything by Alfie Kohn, including “Unconditional Parenting,” the most aligned book with our approach at Cottonwood.
Read anything by Janet Lansberry listed here:
Listen to this podcast by Alfie Kohn,
The interviewer has a differently abled son so there is some dialogue about a-typical kids too; it is the Unconditional Parenting dialogue is spot on.
Support with using the toilet independently? Try 3-day potty training (works even if your child is mostly potty trained)
Cottonwood does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or ethnic origin in administration, admission, or any associated activities.