SCHOOL HOURS 8:30am - 3:00pm
Location: 600 N Park Avenue Helena, MT 59601
Drop off begins at 8:30. Students can be dropped off in the back play yard or at the front door.
Pick up is promptly at 3:00pm.
Lunch in a box kids can open and close independently (our favorite:
Water Bottle
Clothes appropriate for outside play in the day’s weather (no matter what it is).
*all items should be labeled with the child’s first and last name.
Kids are always welcome to bring books or things from nature to share at school.
Toys and Stuffed Animals: Our schoolhouse is full of beautifully curated toys and activities to ignite the curiosity of your little learner. So that your learner can get the most out of their time at Cottonwood, please leave toys at home and encourage playdates with schoolmates to enjoy personal toys outside of school.
Candy & Sweets: We ask that you don't send sweets/candy in lunch boxes. We want your tiny human to eat as much of their nourishing food as possible and it's hard to compete with sweets. We explain that the best sweets are mother nature's sweets like fruit. If you'd like your child to have a dessert, sweet, or candy we ask that you save it for after school.
This is the app we use to house emergency information, allergies and sensitivities, as well as daily updates and insights into the learning experience. Click this link to join:
Make it a practice to check the app daily since this year we will not be sending out email updates unless it’s a matter of urgency. You can also use BAND to correspond directly with facilitators about your learner.
Every day around 1pm children have a period for nesting/resting. Kids may bring a blanket from home that will stay at school and be used to snuggle with during the nesting time. Please send the blanket on the first day.
Every day, the Cottonwood Kids share a morning snack brought by one learner each day. This is an awesome opportunity for little ones to get to help prepare food, try new foods and practice skills like fair share.
Recommendations for snack includes two whole foods, such as a protein and fruit/veggie. Please read the Snack Share Guide for more details. You will find your snack share turn in the shared Google Calendar and on Band. It can also be accessed here.
We always welcome parents to share with our community. If you would like to join us on a field trip, come teach a lesson or simply come play with us, please reach out.
Send clothing that follows the readiness and independence philosophy so any child can put on and remove any article of clothing they wear to school. We support the “first try again, then ask a friend” mantra where facilitators are there to coach kids in doing things independently.
We are a school for adventurers and are often out and about using the community as a classroom, learning from the world around us. When we drive the Cottonwood van, all children are secured in high-backed boosters.
If your child requires a particular car seat, please arrive on travel days with sufficient time to install the carseat into the van.
2 Boxes of Tissues
1 Box Ticonderoga Pencils
Change of Clothes in 1 gallon Ziplock(to stay at school) labeled with child’s name and an extra ziplock labeled with child’s name for soiled clothes.
1 Box of non-perishable healthy Snacks (crackers, trail mix, granola bars, etc)
4 Rolls assorted Tape
1 Pack of Glue Sticks
1 Bottle of White Glue